Mini – Cryo Gun

Mini – Cryo Gun in it is Liquid Nitrogen for the treatment of skin tumors, skin tags and malignant basal cell carcinoma and the majority of dermatologists have adopted and can be treated by simple freezing using liquid nitrogen cryo spray. Skin tags usually shrivel up and fall off within a few days of freezing.

  • It can be applied directly by spraying the gun.
  • Portable and can be used in any consulting room.
  • Complete hemostasis and high patient acceptance.
  • A good number of lesions can be treated at a time.
  • Also used to freeze instrument and destroy the abnormal tissue
  • The minimally invasive procedure that uses an extremely cold liquid
  • It requires about 1/3 time required by co2 snow or N20 to achieve freezing degree
Availability: In Stock

Mini – Cryo Gun in it is Liquid Nitrogen for the treatment of skin tumors, skin tags and malignant basal cell carcinoma. The majority of dermatologists have adopted it. It can be treated by simple freezing using liquid nitrogen cryo spray. Skin tags usually shrivel up and fall off within a few days of freezing.

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